Traumatic Brain Injury

Brain injury is pervasive and on the rise. It can occur from a mild concussion, sports injury, auto accident and/or blast injury. You can also have a brain injury with or without loss of consciousness or an apparent blow to the head.
The impact of traumatic brain injury presents itself in memory deficits, decreased attention and concentration, language deficits (word retrieval and communication), diminished social skills and executive reasoning deficits (such as poor problem solving and decision making skills rigid thinking and sequencing events, among others).
Behavioral consequences of brain injury tend to be a loss of inhibition (doing what one wants when one wants to), loss of emotional control (up and down moods), increased emotional sensitivity, deep depression and aggressive behavior. Symptoms of a brain injury may be seen years after the brain injury has occurred.
At United Psychological Services we can:
- Diagnose in an accurate and scientific manner using brain behavior tests, neuropsychological assessment; the presence of brain impairment and specific brain deficits that will require treatment and intervention.
- Provide help with academic study and behavioral management of routine and daily organization.
- Treatment plans may range from emotional or behavioral intervention to neurocognitive intervention.
- Work with the medical field to address medical issues related to traumatic brain injury.
- Address the trauma and depression that may be associated with the injury (loss of self-esteem, interrupted or negated professional or career plans).
- Work with the family on social behavioral interventions and address family grief issues relating to changes in the brain injured person post injury.
- Address sleep hygiene and sleep disorders associated with the injury; specifically traumatic nightmares and insomnia, using an individualized behavioral treatment plan.
- Diagnose symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) if present, and provide psychological and behavioral intervention.
- Provide cognitive training to address the related attention and concentration problems and individualized brain training to address the memory and executive reasoning deficits.
- Recommendations for future care and needs based upon neuropsychological evaluation. Return to Work treatment plan and needs.
For more about traumatic brain injury, watch this video by Dr. Barbara Fisher, our Clinical Director.
See our video page for more informative videos.