The Brain Training program offered at United Psychological Services offered only at our clinic, is targeted for treatment and recovery of brain injury as well as treat the symptoms of dementia and autism (pre-reading or pre-language skills).
This program is designed specifically for each individual based upon their particular neuropsychological test results. Changes in the program are made based upon regularly scheduled evaluation and testing administered throughout the training program in order to finely tune the necessary adjustments critical to successful treatment.
The brain training program uses a balance of computer and hands on activities and games specifically designed to address many cognitive deficits such as:
- Selective attention
- Memory processes of registration, storage and retrieval
- Perseveration or “getting stuck”
- Problem solving, solution generation
- Abstract reasoning
- Sequential analysis
- Integration
- Cognitive or thinking rigidity
- Decision making
- Word retrieval
- Enhances visuospatial, visuoperceptual and visuomotor processes
Tests administered after participation in the brain training program have showed marked improvements in these areas over time.