Specialties Overview – United Psychological Services

United Psychological Services is determined to make taking care of your behavioral health as easy and effective as possible. We are equipped to evaluate, diagnose and treat behavioral health disorders with an experienced staff expertly trained in the essential therapies and treatments including those developed by the professionals at United Psychological Services and individualized for each of our patients.
With more than twenty years of research and experience in the field, we have developed proven treatment programs and therapies unique to our practice While our therapies and individualized treatments for all behavioral health issues are met with the same high standard of care and attention to each patient’s individual needs, United Psychological Services is known for our approach to the following:
- Brain Injury and Sports Concussion
- Dementia
- Depression and Anxiety
- Sleep Disorders
- Attention/ADD/ADHD
- Memory and Executive Reasoning
- Asperger’s
- Autism Spectrum
- Substance Abuse
- Behavioral Therapy for Children
- Social Skills
- Hypnosis